Alat Laboratorium Kesehatan PHOTOMETER BS 3000 P ATAU SINNOWA BS 3000P DIGUNAKAN UNTUK MEMERIKSA KIMIA DARAH dengan harga terjangkau dan sudah layar sentuh.Produk ini bisa memakai reagent berbagai merk (open reagen)
Photometer/Semi Automatic Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
for Clinical Diagnostic
- End Point, Kinetic, Fixed Time, and Absorbance
- 7 Liter (340-620) + free position
- Integrated Pump and Flow
- Easy To Use, reliable, and trouble free operation
- Economic Price
- More than 200 programable test method
- Linear and non linear calibration
-Light Source: Halogen Lamp 6V, 10W
-Wavelenght range: 300-800nm, automatic by 9 position filter wheel 7 standard filter: 340,405,492,510,546,578,620nm,2 free position for optional filters
-Photometric range: 0.0000 to 3.0000 ABS
-Flowcell: 32microLiter, micro flowcell with 10mm light path,interchangeable with standart cuvette (macro or semi micro, disposable optical glass)
-Reading Time: 1-300sec
-Incubation Time: 1-600sec
-Analysis method: end point with sample blank and with/without reagent blank
Kinetic with/without linearity check
Fixed Time
-Temperature control: Peltier element, 37C
-Parameter setting: Method, Wavelength, reagent black y/n, sample blank y/n, delay time, measuring time, reaction type, absorbance limit, aspiration volume, linearity check
-Display: 64x114cm, big back illuminated display
-Dimensions: 34x40x17cm
-Weight: 8.5 kg
-Printer: Built in thermal printer
-Serial Output: RS 232 standard
-Data Input : Film Keyboard
-Operating environment: 15-30C
-Power requirement: AC 220v, 50Hz, AC110, 50Hz
-Power Consumption: 100VA
-Humidity: 30-95r/>-BS-3000P digunakan di Laboratorium Klinik,Rumah Sakit,Poliklinik,Puskesmas,Praktek Dokter, dll.
-Banyak digunakan untuk pemeriksaan kimia klinik secara cepat antara lain: Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL, Triglycerida, Asam Urat, Creatinin, Glucose, SGOT,SGPT,Albumin, Gamma GT, Bun, ALP, Total Protein, juga bisa digunakan untuk HB Ibu Hamil
#fotometermurah, #sinnowa bs 3000p, #photometermurah, #bs 3000p, #photometer, #fotometer
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